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Sonoma County | LOTIS Wines | Lindsey Otis

LOTIS Wines: Inspired by purity, community and honor of place and time.

Purity: guiding the grapes to the bottle to pass on a transparent and pure message of place and time.

Community: bringing people together to share and enjoy how the grapes express the vineyard site and vintage, translating that message through wine.

That expression is an intricate and dynamic web of variables and ever-changing moving parts, at its core starting simply from the degradation of rocks through weathering and natural erosion to bring forth soil and minerals in the vineyard. The vine itself acts as a conduit to transfer those minerals to its cherished fruit in a particular set of weather conditions, the vintage. Beyond that simplicity, many hands contribute to the graceful expression of the fruit: the growers who selected the site and clonal selection to best express that place and planted their cuttings; the vineyard workers who tend to the vines year round so that ultimately each cluster is at its optimal health and translation of place; and the winemakers who guide those grapes to the bottle with precision and reverence for the pure expression of site and vintage.

LOTIS Wines is an inspiration of purity, community and honor of place and time.